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Focused on

Cities & public space

Experience design

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Short info





Bram Smolenaars


TU/e Innovation Challenge 2019 &

TU/e Contest


10-18 - 04-19





Cities are predicted to grow around the world in the next few decades. This means an increase of necessary housing, offices, schools, parks, and more. But the current rate of building in Europe (2 years for small projects, up to 12 for larger projects) cannot keep up. This is where generative architecture can come it. It can automize the design and planning process of realizing new buildings using machine learning and other smart technology.

I voluntarily participated in the TU/e Innovation Challenge, a challenge for high school students to research or develop an innovative idea. 



What came out of this project was a 43-pages report on the concept of Generative Architecture. Chapters in this report include the history of the technology, the workings of the technology, stakeholder analyses, surveys, global impact analysis, possible development paths, and a future vision.



I was honored with winning the Innovation Challenge 2019 and receiving a 500 EUR traveling cheque as a reward. I used this to travel with two friends to Crete, Greece. 

In 2020, I continued with this project during the TU/e Contest where I ended up as one of the six finalists in my category.

Learning points



My understanding of cities, their future growth and possible painpoints, was greatly increased during this project. It was also one of my first attempts to do academic research.

To this day, I still believe in the technology of generative art. It has been a pleasure watching the technology develop ever since this project.

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